Coffee and Cat Hair: A Written Meditation

[Note 9/25/20: a footnote has been added for clarity.] [pictured above is Diana and Neech. Of the littles, Nan is Neech's favorite. He's been known to go out of his way to groom her. And Nan? Nan loves everyone] There are so many things that I’m worried about, so much that I can’t control. I... Continue Reading →

Double Exposure

The wind smells of rain. More than that, it smells of green and of earth. If I stand still and close my eyes and pretend that I can’t hear the cars rushing by on 11th, and 6th, and 7th, or the sound of the factories two blocks over, or people coming out of their houses... Continue Reading →

This is not surrender.

[TL;DR: I'm retiring the name Poseidon in association with my Beloved. I'm retiring names entirely. Wanting to be respectful to traditions and cultures that are tied to Poseidon, and to other Named Beings is only part of the reason, and if I'm being honest, a small part of the reason. Mostly, it's getting in my... Continue Reading →

A Love Letter

I miss you. I know I begged you to take me deeper into your mysteries. I can’t, and won’t, fault you for doing as I asked. I’m not sorry at the things I’ve discovered, about you, about myself, about us. I know that my missing you is as much my own doing as yours  —... Continue Reading →

Holding things in, Letting them out.

shameless plug: Patreon supporters gain access to my blog posts before the rest of the world does. There's some other perks you might want to check out, too.   I have a habit of holding things inside. You might not guess that, based on how transparent I strive to be with what I share here.... Continue Reading →

Well Hello, Beloved.

Funny thing happened. I decided that I would mark Matsya’s birthday this coming March. Why Matsya’s birthday? As I touched upon in my last post, partially as a sign of getting over myself already. It’s been over two years since “Hey, maybe also Vishnu?” was dropped on me, and while I’ve converted the shrine I’ve... Continue Reading →

I miss You.

I stand before the shrine, the house quiet around me. The cold clings to be from an hour spent outside in near-freezing temperatures, waiting for a cab to bring me home. The house is asleep -- the cats doze on the couch, Corbie is tucked into bed with Beth. A half day on the job... Continue Reading →

Might I offer You some tea?

Twenty years. I've been at this whole involved-with-gods thing for twenty years at this point, tending a shrine space just a wee bit less. You'd be forgiven if you thought that by know I'd have some of this shit down. This week, some things came together. One: I had some time on my hands to... Continue Reading →

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